Explore What we Do
The Youth Peace and Cultural Education Program aims to promote global education and conflict resolution among the youth through exchanges between US and African youth. The year- long conflict resolution orientation and cultural immersion program culminates in a 4 week summer trip to a select African country by 10-15 students with 2 teachers as guides.
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PEACE & CONFLICT RESOLUTIONExplore Peace and Conflict Resolution in Africa : A Cross-cultural experience and networking in Peacebuilding, Peacemaking, Peacekeeping and conflict resolution programs and activities at both the grassroots/indigenous and national levels in select African countries.
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peace educationThe Peace Education Program was launched in 2009, to promote nonviolent conflict resolution among the youth and in schools through peace clubs, with some lessons from US peer mediation programs. Currently the peace clubs have been created in 30 secondary schools in Nigeria’s Niger Delta region, in partnerships with 2 schools in US.
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UpComing events:Call for Application: Teacher/Chaperone
Past events
Stories from participants2014 YOUTH PEACE AND CULTURAL EDUCATION PROGRAM IN ETHIOPIAThis past week at Sac State has prepared me to be unprepared for our trip. During the past few days, Pam and Predko have showed us how important trust and communication will be during the upcoming month. They have also showed us the inevitability of conflict and discomfort. Attending these seminars helped me to not only accept this, but they have also prepared me to handle any given situation in the most mature way possible.